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Best Quotes in Alita: Battle Angel - Adventure-Action-Movie - [HNQuotes]


Best Quotes in Alita: Battle Angel

Alita: Battle Angel is a Sci-Fi/Thriller/Action/Adventure Movie. It was released on January 31st 2019 in Cinemas. Its Budget was almost 200 million US Dollars. It earned almost 410 million US Dollars. Its Production Company is 20th Century Fox and three others. I watched it. And it was really great movie. Its story was not finished in this part that means there is going to be an other part(s) for Alita the Movie.
Here are some beautiful and amazing quotes from the very Movie.

1- It's the loneliest feeling not to know who you are.

Best Quotes in Alita: Battle Angel - Adventure-Action-Movie - [HNQuotes]

2- I'd do whatever I had to for you. I'd give you whatever I have. I'd give you my heart.

Best Quotes in Alita: Battle Angel - Adventure-Action-Movie - [HNQuotes]

3- Does it bother you that I'm not completely human?

Best Quotes in Alita: Battle Angel - Adventure-Action-Movie - [HNQuotes]

4- It's a harsh world. The strong prey on the weak down here.

Best Quotes in Alita: Battle Angel - Adventure-Action-Movie - [HNQuotes]

5- I don't mean to be rude, but am I supposed to know you?

Best Quotes in Alita: Battle Angel - Adventure-Action-Movie - [HNQuotes]

6- We Don't Belong Anywhere Except Together. 

Best Quotes in Alita: Battle Angel - Adventure-Action-Movie - [HNQuotes]




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